Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A place to Visit.

Ancient Ruins of Machu Picchu

                       I want to go to the "Machu Picchu".. It is one of the awesome places I know, an ancient city which is build above a mountain. It lies in the Urabamba Valley in Peru. Last 2007, it was voted as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. I first saw this place in National Geographic Channel and it was a "WOW", Its amazing how the Ruins are preserved. The pictures of Machu Picchu are awesome and I know that it will be better if I will see it in personal. I want to experience how to live in the top of a mountain. If I will be given a chance to live in a mountain, I prefer to live in the Huayna Picchu towers. When I grow up, I hope it will be preserved and I wish I can visit it even once. :)

This is the Terraced Field in the Machu Picchu, I'm so curious of how can they harvest their plants. If I'm one of their farmer, maybe I will be so scared when the time of Harvest comes. It is so organized like the Banaue Rice Terraces.


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My name is Joman, I'm 14 years Old. Single :)) I love to Doodle, that's one thing that saves me from Boredom. Im a Fourth year High School student in UNCA.. I can play guitar a little? And I want to learn how to play Piano :) I also sings(sometimes). I love music. =))) Im a Christian and I love GOD because he Jesus saved me from my Sins. :) You are free to visit my Blog anytime :D

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